Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's The Time To Say Goodbye

Stand in front of the mirror watch yourself for a moment who have you become so far ??? a monster or a human. It's a monster, never been to late to go back and catch up something good that U have done in the pass then combine it with the person U want to be in tomorrow.

Why should we give love when actually it is hate ?
Why must we ignore the one that we love the most which at the end when we are in some kind of sick situation we run to the one that we love the most but we have forgotten that we love them the most. 

Done with yesterday, never regret it , say thank you to it ...
Come tomorrow i'm waiting like thousand years for U because i know i can change tomorrow. Why tomorrow? because today I wanna shut all about yesterday and today . Tomorrow i'm a human not a monster which i have created myself.

Goodbye love that i try to love .....