Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chinese/Malay/Bumiputra/India (Racism issue)

Recently there are this case regarding to a businesswoman being assaulted and sexually harassed in police station. What I want to share with U guys is not about the incident, later on we talk about this incident.

I watch this video in Someone Blog. Of course ya, there will be feedback from those viewers. But the problem here is mostly of the feedback given consist of racism criteria that the owner of the video have to remove some of the comment.

There is no translation in that videos hopefully there will be one because it's difficult for those who don't understand Mandarin to understand what actually that victim talk about.

What attract me the most is the comment in it. Why should there were someone saying "Kalau tak ada cina macam mana Malaysia mahu maju" and then there were this person will reply back saying "kalau tak ada melayu macam mana cina mahu kaya" . What in the world are this people thinking?

DEAR EVERYONE, This is Malaysia there were a lot different kind of culture so there were also a Thousand of language and lifestyle. Why must we disagree with other people culture ? Jealous is it ? Insecure feeling ? Hate? Know why Malaysia is still in this label in the world right now ? IT'S BECAUSE OF THOSE RACIST PEOPLE LIVING IN OUR COUNTRY.

Without each other we won't be as strong as right now. I think all this come out because of those negative though in human brain. 

And Pleas, this video is about THAT VICTIM not about any freaking RACISM issue. Help her out not to create chaos like this by commenting stupid stuff. 

P/S : Malaysia police are rude, i have once threatened by a police officer also a tomboy. So, let's us together settle stuff about the police officer attitude FIRST.

Monday, April 2, 2012

What to Do when you are damn BORED

Everyone have their own boredom moment in life. Event if going out still U will have that BORED feeling. People said if U want to prevent from being bored staying at home with nobody to talk why not to go out ? Still... that is one of the activity in my "BORING STUFF TO-DO" bible. 
This is what i do when i got nothing to think about in my HEAD !

Randomly taking Picture of myself although this picture doesn't seem to be right. Pose Pose Strike !  Still thinking of what to do my head keep on moving searching thinking and BLINK !! 

"Comes the Yellow Bulb "

There goes my curler and my hairspray !!! Why not i practice my hairdo SKILL ??? actually i forgot to take picture of mousse that i use in this activity ! 
Step One : Heat your curler
Step Two : Place the mousse on your hair.
Step Three : Spray your hair to make the curl last longer

Start curling from the lower part prevent from touching the curling iron from your head skin coz it might hurt you a lot from the heat produced. Never ever hold your hair on the curler too long coz u might burn your hair.

Patiently Curling it, one by one part ! it takes time but it worth the wait. This activity continue for one hour to finish the whole head. For more satisfying result use more mousses and make sure you wind your hair correctly for the great result. 

AND IT'S DONE HONEY !! it's not that curl because i wind it on the curler wrongly but it seem to be curl ! ahhahah doing this just to improve my curling skill.

People said there's nothing to do in which making them lazy it's not bored but it's actually LAZY ! so look for something u might improve your daily life skill !!! see ya next entry DUEEe !

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tidak Bertimbang Rasa atau Tidak Beradab ???

Pada awal bulan March di Wisma Sanyan seorang warga tua meningal dunia sejurus keluar daripada Lift.

Warga tua tersebut dipercayaai mengalami semput nafas kerana keadaan di dalam lift yang terlampau sempit dimana orang awam berhimpit-himpit dalam satu lif disebabkan terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri dan tidak beradab.

Saya sendiri pada awal bulan March ini mengalami situasi sebegini semasa hendak menguruskan pembaharuan lesen perniagaan. Apabila terbuka sahaja pintu lift mereka yang berada di belakang memotong orang yang didepan semata-mata ingin cepat.Selagi di dalam lift tersebut masih ada ruang selagi itulah mereka menghimpit pengguna-pengguna yang lain. Di mana ADAB mereka ? mengapa terlalu mementingkkan diri sendiri ?

Mereka yang bertindah tidak beradab dan tidak bertimbang rasa ini adalah mereka yang mendapat bantuan BR1M. di pintu masuk banggunan Wisma Sanyan ada diletakkan nota bahawa pengambilan cek BR1M itu dilaksanakan di Dataran Sibu  tetapi ada sesetengah individu yang tidak faham bahasa.

Apabila terjadinya kejadian seperti yang menimpa warga tua ini mereka menyalahkan fasilitas di Wisma Sanyan. Itulah kata orang, malu bertanya sesat jalan di kaunter masuk Wisma Sanyan disedikan kaunter pertanyaan mengapa tidak bertanya di situ.

Terjadinya perlbagai jenis kejadian seperti ini bukan sahaja menimbulakan masalah pada satu pihak malahan pihak yang lain juga. Ini sudah zaman moden mengapa kita masih mahu membodohkan diri kita sendiri yang sedia ada bodoh.

Warga sibu sila jadikan kejadian ini sebagai peringatan untuk kita semua jika tidak tahu jangan malu untuk bertanya. Dan praktiskan adab-adab yang pernah ibu bapa kita ajar sejak kecil lagi kalau ibu bapa tidak mengajar pun tidak apa belajar dari orang lain.

saya sebagai warga sibu sendiri ingin menyeru agar mereka-mereka yang membaca entry kali ini , jika anda semua ingin sibu menjadi maju , majukan juga diri anda dari segi adab dan jika boleh hormati orang lain juga.  Jangan lupa tambahkan ilmu di dada walaupun sudah berusia.